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Quick Release Jump Shot Clinic
video & written evaluation of your jump shot mechanics
A half or full day clinic
For: middle school to college level, players serious enough about their game to study film and do the tedious work necessary to improve
Jump Shot Mechanics
Shooting Percentages
How to Practice
Personal Practice Plan
Teaching Approach
Study the great shooters
Video Analysis
Written Evaluation
Player Notebook
Personal Practice Plan
Shooting Percentages / Rankings
Based on my book
Quick Release Jump Shot
- The Simple Mechanics in 4 Progressive Steps

Shooting demonstration, Canary Islands, Spain. Ronald Comez translating.

Shooting Demonstration, Georgia

Riverton, Utah - Jump Shot demonstration

Shooting demonstration, Canary Islands, Spain. Ronald Comez translating.
Our Guarantee to each player...
This will be the most detailed Jump Shot Evaluation
you've ever received, or your money back.
player comments - Utah
”This camp really helped me with what I need to work on to fix my shot and to be able to compete at a really high level. I really liked how we went over the tapes (video evaluation).”
“Coach Winfrey is a great teacher. I liked how patient he was and how he made things very simple to understand. He really helped me with my footwork.”
“The video was visual evidence of what I was doing right and wrong. It made it so much easier for me to correct my mistakes. Thanks for taking the time to give us all individual attention."
More details
Each player will leave knowing their :
Jump Shot Mechanics
Shooting Percentages
How to Practice
Here's more on each
1) Jump Shot Mechanics ... each player will:
Study the mechanics of top shooters
Learn the 4 Progressive Steps to a Quick Release
Have his or her shot analyzed on video
2) Shooting Percentages
Players will know their percentages and rank on game shots like:
free throws
catch &shoot
move catch and shoot
off the dribble
3) How to Practice
Each player will leave having completed a Personal Practice Plan ... what and how to practice.
Each Player receives
Player Notebook
Video Analysis
Written Evaluation
Personal Practice
The 4 progressive steps